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Catastrophic Injury Attorney (Coral Gables, FL ) | Call 305-363-7447

Catastrophic Injury Attorney

In some cases, personal injury (Catastrophic Injuries) victims sustain relatively short-term damage. After a rehabilitation period, they recover, get back to their everyday lives, and resume earning a living. In time, the victim can regain their health and put the traumatic event, including the post-accident period of lost wages and increased medical bills, behind them.

Sadly, outcomes are very different in cases of catastrophic injuries. Damage may be permanent and afflict the victim for the rest of their life. The associated costs to the victim and their family may be devastating.

With over 30 years of practice under Florida law, Menendez Trial Attorneys represent people suffering from catastrophic, permanent injuries such as:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Back injuries
  • Partial or complete paralysis
  • Loss of limbs
  • Severe burns

We have a proven track record of recovering substantial settlements for people who have sustained severe injuries because of negligence or malpractice. Contact us today to discuss the details of your case and get a free evaluation.

Compensation for Catastrophic Injury Victims

Catastrophic injury cases tend to result in high amounts of compensation due to the victim’s overwhelming medical costs and lifelong needs. Commonly, financial compensation will cover:

  • Medical expenses. Victims of catastrophic injuries may require lifelong specialized medical care. A verdict or settlement will take this into account when awarding a single lump sum.
  • Loss or reduction of earning capacity. Often, victims who suffer serious injuries will become unemployable or require special accommodations at work. In many cases, hospitalization periods or outpatient therapy will interfere with regular work. The compensation should represent the loss of wages the victim could have reasonably earned if not for the injury.
  • Home or vehicle accommodations. A permanent catastrophic injury may require expensive accommodations to the victim’s home or vehicle.
  • Replacement services. Victims of permanent catastrophic injuries may be incapable of daily tasks such as housework and childcare. If that is the case, they will need to hire someone to perform these jobs for them.
  • Pain and suffering. A victim of a catastrophic injury may suffer from chronic lifelong pain.
  • Reduced quality of life. A catastrophic injury victim may have to change their lifestyle entirely and give up on specific activities, such as traveling or sports, that they had enjoyed before the injury.
  • Loss of consortium. This refers to the loss of companionship, intimacy, and care between the catastrophic injury victim and their spouse or family. Most commonly, this occurs in cases of brain injury or paralysis.

In catastrophic, permanent injury cases, damages can add up to millions of dollars. That is why insurance companies will jump through any hoops to refute or minimize the claim. Insurance company representatives may deny the severity of the injury, downplay the lifelong damage the victim expects to suffer, or claim that the injury was the victim’s fault.

At Menendez Trial Attorneys, we have plenty of experience dealing with insurance companies and putting forth a convincing legal claim. Over the years, we have worked on our clients’ behalf, helping them get adequate compensation for their severe permanent injuries.

Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries

Some frequently encountered types of catastrophic, permanent injuries include:

Brain and spinal cord injuries

In most cases, brain and spinal cord injuries result from trauma. Often, the accident is preventable and occurs due to negligence or malpractice. Brain and spinal cord injuries can have severe permanent implications, such as partial or full paralysis, for the rest of the victim’s life.

Loss of limbs

Unavoidable devastating accidents may result in limb amputation. Losing a limb can result in partial or full unemployability, inability to perform daily tasks, and the necessity of drastic lifestyle modifications, including prosthetics, wheelchairs, and other special equipment. Simultaneously, the victim will usually suffer severe trauma, emotional distress, and reduced quality of life.

Severe Burns

Severe burns are among the most devastating permanent-damage injuries. Accidents leading to burns are frequently caused by negligence, such as an explosion in a malfunctioning vehicle.

Often, burn victims require prolonged and expensive hospital stays and extensive reconstruction surgery, and may still suffer permanent disfigurement despite rehabilitation. In addition, victims may experience extreme pain and emotional trauma.

How Insurance Companies May Attempt to Refute Your Injury Claim

You might believe that an insurance company’s job is to help you following a catastrophic injury — until you contact the insurance company after you or your loved one suffers an injury. You may then discover that the insurance company representatives try to refute, minimize, or drag out your claim– while trying to convince you that you don’t need a lawyer. Here are some tactics they may use.

Delaying your claim

Following an accident, you may incur immediate, out-of-pocket expenses, including hospitalization costs, medical bills, vehicle replacement, and lost wages due to the inability to work.

Insurance companies may attempt to put you off, hoping you will settle for a lower offer if you become desperate enough for the money. They may also try to drag out your case until the statute of limitations runs out.

Asking trick questions

Always be careful when speaking to a representative of your insurance company. Seemingly innocent background questions may be used against you to prove that you were responsible for the accident and resulting injury.

Watching you in real life and on social media

Often, an insurance company will employ investigators to watch you or record content you post on social media to disprove your injury claims. Cherry-picking and twisting the evidence that suits them can create a false picture of minimized damage.

Why Choose Menendez Trial Attorneys

Do you need a Coral Gables personal injury attorney? When you choose us as your catastrophic injury attorney, you know you are getting professionalism, decades of experience, and absolute dedication. At Menendez Trial Attorneys, we go for the win. Let us fight on your behalf.

Call us at 305-445-6500 at our Coral Gables, FL office, or contact us through our website for a free case evaluation. Se Habla Español.

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